
Stainless steel zodiac necklace


Stainless steel zodiac necklace. New GG UNIQUE jewelry line with constellations of zodiac signs. This necklace line was inspired by astrology and created for people, who believe that there are powers that we can not see. You can choose this piece of jewelry with your own constellations of zodiac signs. Choose it for your close friend, family, or beloved one! Zodiac sigs got their names by their constellations because the sun appears to pass through these constellations over the course of a year. 12 constellations go for 12 different zodiac signs.

The northern zodiac constellations – Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo – are located in the eastern celestial hemisphere, while the southern – Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, and Aquarius – are found in the west.


Stainless steel zodiac necklace. New GG UNIQUE jewelry line with constellations of zodiac signs. This necklace line was inspired by astrology and created for people, who believe that there are powers that we can not see. You can choose this piece of jewelry with your own constellations of zodiac signs. Choose it for your close friend, family, or beloved one! Zodiac sigs got their names by their constellations because the sun appears to pass through these constellations over the course of a year. 12 constellations go for 12 different zodiac signs.

The northern zodiac constellations – Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo – are located in the eastern celestial hemisphere, while the southern – Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, and Aquarius – are found in the west.

Zodiac signs and constellations*:

NameTropical zodiacNameIAU boundariesSolar stayBrightest star
Aries21 March –Aries19 April – 13 May25 daysHamal
20 April
Taurus20 April –Taurus14 May – 19 June37 daysAldebaran
21 May
Gemini21 May –Gemini20 June – 20 July31 daysPollux
21 June
Cancer21 June –Cancer21 July – 9 August20 daysAl Tarf
23 July
Leo23 July –Leo10 August – 15 September37 daysRegulus
23 August
Virgo23 August –Virgo16 September – 30 October45 daysSpica
23 September
Libra23 September –Libra31 October – 22 November23 daysZubeneschamali
23 October
Scorpio23 October –Scorpius23 November – 29 November7 daysAntares
22 November
Sagittarius22 November –Sagittarius18 December – 18 January32 daysKaus Australis
22 December
Capricorn22 December –Capricornus19 January – 15 February28 daysDeneb Algedi
20 January
Aquarius20 January –Aquarius16 February – 11 March24 daysSadalsuud
19 February
Pisces19 February –Pisces12 March – 18 April38 daysEta Piscium
21 March


So choose your zodiac necklace with stainless steel chain or surprise the one that you care about.


  • Zodiac necklace full length: 50 cm.
  • Zodiac necklace color: stainless steel
  • Zodiac necklace material: stainless steel

♥ The necklace will come in a GG Unique gift box

CARE TIPS: Please avoid direct contact with water and perfume.



Papildoma informacija

Zodiac sign

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces



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