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Dviejų sluoksnių kaklo papuošalas su žvaigžde

Original price was: €39.00.Current price is: €33.15.

Double layer chain necklace with North star. This minimal style necklace is made out of a gold-plated stainless steel chain and a round pendant with a star symbol. The necklace is perfect for everyday wear or for a night out, a party with friends, or even a fancy party. Two different length chains can be worn together, separately, or with other necklaces. Double layer chain necklace with a star looks subtle and compliments any outfit.



Double layer chain necklace with North star. This minimal style necklace is made out of gold-plated stainless steel chain and a round pendant with a star symbol. The necklace is perfect for everyday wear or for a night out, a party with friends, or even a fancy party. Two different length chains can be worn together, separately, or with other necklaces. Double layer chain necklace with a star looks subtle and compliments any outfit.


  • Necklace length: longer chain: 49,5 cm+ 5 cm extension , shorter chain: 45 cm + 5 cm extension.
  • Pakabuko dydis: 2 cm
  • Medžiaga: auksu dengtas nerūdijantis plienas
  • Papuošalo spalva: aukso

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