
hand made

  • Exclusive gold earrings with pearls - GG UniqueExclusive gold earrings with pearls - GG Unique

    Išskirtiniai aukso spalvos auskarai su perlais

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  • Exclusive silver and gold earrings - GG UniqueExclusive silver and gold earrings - GG Unique

    Išskirtiniai sidabro ir aukso spalvos auskarai

    45.00 Out of Stock
  • Exclusive round gold earrings with pearls - GG UniqueExclusive round gold earrings with pearls - GG Unique

    Išskirtiniai aukso spalvos auskarai su perlais

    49.00 Out of Stock
  • Exclusive silver no-shape earrings - GG UniqueExclusive silver no-shape earrings - GG Unique

    Išskirtinės formos sidabro spalvos auskarai

    37.00 Out of Stock
  • Exclusive gold no-shape earrings - GG UniqueExclusive gold no-shape earrings - GG Unique

    Išskirtinės formos aukso spalvos auskarai

    37.00 Out of Stock
  • Exclusive gold earrings with small pearls - GG UniqueExclusive gold earrings with small pearls - GG Unique

    Išskirtiniai aukso spalvos auskarai su mažais perlais

    49.00 Out of Stock
  • 925 Silver bubble anklet - GG Unique925 Silver bubble anklet - GG Unique

    925 sidabro kojos grandinėlė su burbuliukais

    37.00 Out of Stock
  • SELF LOVE CLUB necklace - GG UniqueSELF LOVE CLUB necklace - GG Unique

    SELF LOVE CLUB vėrinys

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  • Hematite stone necklace with fish - GG UniqueHematite stone necklace with fish - GG Unique

    Hematito akmens vėrinys su žuvimi

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  • White necklace with gold turtle - GG UniqueWhite necklace with gold turtle - GG Unique

    Baltas vėrinys su vėžliu

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  • Blue necklace with gold shell - GG UniqueBlue necklace with gold shell - GG Unique

    Mėlynas vėrinys su auksine kriaukle

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  • Gold-plated 925 Silver asymmetric star earrings - GG UniqueGold-plated silver star earrings

    Auksuoti 925 sidabro asimetriniai auskarai žvaigždelės

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