Spinel stone necklace in gold / silver


Spinel stone necklace. This natural spinel gemstone is as beautiful as ruby and looks good on everyone. Spinel is a stone of revitalization that can re-energize all aspects of yourself. This makes it an excellent stone for workaholics. This stone will bring you inspiration. If spinel gemstones haven’t caught your eye yet, it’s time to do a double-take. It is suitable for everyday wear or special occasions and we promise you that this necklace will look chic on you.


Spinel stone necklace. This natural spinel gemstone is as beautiful as ruby and looks good on everyone. Spinel is a stone of revitalization that can re-energize all aspects of yourself. This makes it an excellent stone for workaholics. This stone will bring you inspiration. If spinel gemstones haven’t caught your eye yet, it’s time to do a double-take. It is suitable for everyday wear or special occasions and we promise you that this necklace will look chic on you.


  • Rankų darbo papuošalas
  • Vėrinio ilgis: 40 arba 45 cm (+5 cm prailginimas)
  • Material: gold-plated or silver-plated stainless steel, spinel gemstone
  • Personalizuojama: ne
  • Papuošalo užsegimas: Karabinas
  • Naudotos perdirbtos medžiagos: ne
  • Reguliuojamas dydis: taip
  • Spalva: aukso ir juoda

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Papildoma informacija


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40 cm, 45 cm
