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Personalized stainless steel bangle bracelet


Personalized stainless steel bangle bracelet. Stainless steel bangle type silver colour bracelet with engraved words and hematite stone at the end. This is a custom bracelet because, the word that we engrave is only up to you, so create your unique bracelet with your special word, the name of your child or loved one. This is a casual minimalist bracelet, that goes perfectly alone or with a watch. This peace of jewelry can be also stacked together with other bracelets or even the same kind. Bracelet is made out of stainless steel and polished, so it will not change colour or tarnish.

Apyrankės visos yra vieno dydžio, todėl pagal asmeninius poreikius, galima ją praplėsti arba suspausti ir taip pritaikyti pagal savo riešą. Tačiau, geriausiai apyrankės tinka 14.5 - 17.5 cm dydžio riešams.

Add the desired word (should be one word), that you want to be engraved on your necklace
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Personalized stainless steel bangle bracelet. Stainless steel bangle type silver colour bracelet with engraved words and hematite stone at the end. This is a custom bracelet because, the word that we engrave is only up to you, so create your unique bracelet with your special word, the name of your child or loved one. This is a casual minimalist bracelet, that goes perfectly alone or with a watch. This peace of jewelry can be also stacked together with other bracelets or even the same kind. Bracelet is made out of stainless steel and polished, so it will not change colour or tarnish.

Apyrankės visos yra vieno dydžio, todėl pagal asmeninius poreikius, galima ją praplėsti arba suspausti ir taip pritaikyti pagal savo riešą. Tačiau, geriausiai apyrankės tinka 14.5 - 17.5 cm dydžio riešams.

♥ Kiekvienas papuošalas supakuojamas į GG Unique dovanų dėžutę

PRIEŽIŪROS PATARIMAI: Venkite tiesioginio kontakto su vandeniu ir kvepalais.


  • Rankų darbo papuošalas
  • Color: Silver / Gold
  • Medžiaga: Nerūdijantis plienas
  • Naudotos perdirbtos medžiagos: ne
  • Stilius: minimalistinis
  • Reguliuojamas dydis: Taip


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