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Personalizuota sidabro spalvos nerūdijančio plieno apyrankė


Personalized silver plated necklace. Do you have that special person in your life, who you would like to carry with your self all the time? Or maybe there is a special word with special meaning for you? Or maybe you just want to make a statement to the world? So this necklace is specially for you! This stainless steel silver plated necklace will be engraved according to your wishes, so it might be you childs name, a quotes or something personal, that only you will know. Wear this necklace with you personalized engraved word and be unique!



Personalized silver plated necklace. Do you have that special person in your life, who you would like to carry with your self all the time? Or maybe there is a special word with special meaning for you? Or maybe you just want to make a statement to the world? So this necklace is specially for you! This stainless steel silver plated necklace will be engraved according to your wishes, so it might be you childs name, a quotes or something personal, that only you will know. Wear this necklace with you personalized engraved word and be unique!


Pilnas papuošalo ilgis: 47,5 cm (yra 5 cm reguliuojama grandinėlės dalis).
Apyrankės plokštelės ilgis: 3 cm.

♥ Kaklo papuošalas supakuojamas į GG Unique dovanų dėžutę

PRIEŽIŪROS PATARIMAI: Venkite tiesioginio kontakto su vandeniu ir kvepalais.


  • Rankų darbo papuošalas
  • Kaklo papuošalo ilgis: 25 cm
  • Medžiaga: Nerūdijantis plienas
  • Personalizuojama: Ne
  • Papuošalo užsegimas: Karabinas
  • Naudotos perdirbtos medžiagos: ne
  • Stilius: minimalistinis
  • Reguliuojamas dydis: taip

Papildoma informacija


