dovana jai

  • Star necklace with crystals nude color - GG UNIQUE

    Žvaigždelių papuošalas su kūno spalvos kristalais

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  • Gold color star and ear cuff setGold color star and ear cuff set - GG UNIQUE

    Gold color star and ear cuff set

    29.00 Out of Stock
  • Natural shell necklace with gold plating - GG UNIQUENatural shell necklace with gold plating - GG UNIQUE

    Auksu dengta grandinėlė su natūralia kriaukle

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  • Stylish gold plated necklace with a coin pendant - GG UNIQUEStylish gold plated necklace with a coin pendant - GG UNIQUE

    Stilinga auksu dengta grandinėlė su monetos pakabuku

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  • Gold color star earring set with an ear cuff - GG UNIQUEGold color star earring set with an ear cuff - GG UNIQUE

    Gold color star earring set with an ear cuff

    29.00 Out of Stock
  • Minimal freshwater pearl necklace with a stainless steel chain - GG UNIQUE

    Gėlavandenių perlų vėrinys su nerūdijančio plieno grandine

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  • Gold-filled chain bracelet with a freshwater pearl - GG UNIQUE

    Gold-filled chain bracelet with a freshwater pearl

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  • Glasses chain gold plated stainless steel - GG UNIQUEGlasses chain gold plated stainless steel - GG UNIQUE

    Auksu dengta akinių grandinėlė

  • Stylish massive chain with big freshwater pearls - GG UNIQUEStylish massive chain with big freshwater pearls - GG UNIQUE

    Stilinga masyvi grandinė su dideliais gėlavandeniais perlais

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  • Ceasar bracelet with a freshwater pearl - gg unique

    Caesar bracelet with a freshwater pearl

    29.00 Out of Stock
  • Minimal freshwater pearl necklace with a gold plated chain - GG UNIQUEMinimal freshwater pearl necklace with a gold plated chain - GG UNIQUE

    Minimalistinis gėlavandenių perlų vėrinys su auksu dengta grandine

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  • Ear cuff with a freshwater pearl - GG UNIQUE

    Ausies papuošimas (ear cuff) su gėlavandeniu perlu

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